Unlock the Secrets of Your Soil
Your partner in soil testing and monitoring for improved farm management decisions.
Soil Nutrient Sampling
We carry out deep and shallow nutrient coring programs which we tailor to the customer’s specific requirements.
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Samples are then sent away to the lab of the customer’s choice. We will also log these samples into the different software programs if required. A paddock feedback form if completed for every sample site which notes down soil hardness and soil moisture levels at the different depths, as well as any other information that the sampling team thinks will help the agronomist/farmer. Photos of the cores can be taken and added to the paddock feedback form if requested.
Soil Health Monitoring
We carry out infield measurements for soil health parameters and record these results on a paddock feedback form.
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The standard parameters measure include infiltration, penetrometer, ground cover and colloid stability and pH. Any of these can be done at the same time as soil nutrient sampling or as a complete separate operation.
Soil Biological Testing
When field conditions are suitable, we can carry out sampling of soils for soil biological testing at the lab of the farmer/agronomist’s choice.
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Samples are stored in an onboard fridge/freezer depending on what the test/lab requires.
Soil Carbon Assessments
We have experience in doing initial soil carbon assessments for several different types of projects. We work in conjunction with the land
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manager and different organizations to meet the specific needs of each situation.
Environmental Monitoring
We have had experience with the sampling requirements of businesses that have environmental monitoring duties.
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These were carried out to the specific requirements of individual businesses.
Pre Purchase Sampling
We do a number of different types of sampling in conjunction with the purchaser, so they get to see what they are really buying.
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The intensity of the sampling is assessed to ensure confidence in purchase.

Nutrisearch was started in Jan 2013, by Craig Foreman and Wallace Hunter to service the soil sampling needs of farmers and agronomists of Northern NSW and Southern Qld. Over the following years their range of services has expanded from just nutrient sample collection to now offer a broad range of sampling and monitoring to better service the diverse customers they service. These services now include measuring soil health indicators and soil carbon assessments. See Services Tab.
To contact our team, fill in the form below or
Email: nutrisearchsoiltesting@gmail.com
Mobile: 0493 729 352
Nutrisearch is based in Toowoomba QLD
See what people are saying
“We have worked with Nutrisearch over many years with many different clients. They are our first choice for Soil testing and Soil health monitoring, we recommend their services to all of our clients.”